Lesson2-所有格,第六課過去式 So, Riley. How was the first day of school?
 The first day of school 為所有格 A OF B 的格式,中文要從後面翻回來
Lesson5-現在簡單式-動作動詞 Fine. I guess.  
 Guess 猜,當沒有很確定的認為,想時用 I guess  
 I guess so 我想是這樣的 
Lesson6-過去式 Did you guys pick up on that?  
 guy 當單數時是傢伙,男人 
 guys 當複數可以指的是大家 
 pick up 接收 
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞 
Sure did. Something’s wrong. Signal the husband.  
 did 這個助動詞代替的是前面提過的動作“pick up on that “  signal v. 打訊號 
Lesson4-現在進行式 Oh! oh! She’s looking at us.  
 看著什麼東西 look 後面要加介系詞 at  
Lesson6-過去式 What did she say?  
Lesson6-過去式之過去進行式 Sorry, Sir. No one was listening.  
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞句型 Is it garbage tonight?  
 garbage 垃圾 
Lesson6-過去式 We left the toilet seat up.  
 toilet seat 廁所馬桶座 
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞句型 What is it, woman? What? 
Lesson2- this/that/these/ those 句型 I’m joy. This is sadness, that’s anger, this is disgust and that’s fear.  
 在這邊我順便介紹這些情緒的名詞跟形容詞 他們字首很像,但是字尾會有點不一樣 
 joyful (adj.) joy(n.) 
 sad(adj.) sadness(n.) 
 angry(adj.) anger (n.) 
 disgusted(adj.) disgust(n.) 
 fearful(adj.) fear (n.) 
 當我們在介紹人的時候,就用 this/that 來介紹 
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞句型 We’re Riley’s emotions.  
 emotion 情緒 
Lesson2-this/that/these/ those 句型 Yeah! These are Riley’s memories.  
 memory 記憶 
Lesson3-現在簡單式 be 動詞,第八課 未來式 They’re mostly happy, you’ll notice. Not to brag.  
 mostly 大部分地 brag 炫耀 
 notice 注意  
Lesson6-過去式 I wanted to maybe hold one.  
 hold 握 
Lesson6-過去式 What happened?  
 happen 發生 
Lesson6-過去式 Sadness. She did something to the memory. 
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞 Is everything ok?  
Lesson5-現在簡單式-動作動詞 I don’t know. Take it back joy.  
Lesson4-現在進行 I’m trying.  
 try 嘗試 
 Joy, no …. wait! The core memories.  
 Core 核心 
Lesson8-助動詞 No! No! No! Can I say that curse word now?  
 curse 咒罵 
Lesson5-現在簡單式-動作動詞 What do we do now?   
Lesson4-現在進行式 Nothing’s working. Why isn’t it working?  
 work 起作用 
Lesson5-現在簡單式-動作動詞 We have a major problem.  
 major 主要的 
Lesson5-現在簡單式-動作動詞 Oh! I wish joy was here.  
 Wish 後面出現的子句為過去式,可用來表達與現在事實相反的句子
Lesson8-助動詞We can fix this.  
Lesson5-現在簡單式-動作動詞 We just have to get back to headquarters.  
 headquarter 總部 
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞,第八課助動詞 That’s long term memory. You can get lost in there. 
 term 期間 get lost 迷路 
 long term 長期  
命令句 Think positive.   
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞,名詞子句
Ok! I’m positive you will get lost in there. 
 Positive 肯定的 
Lesson6-過去式 What was that? Was it a bear?  
Lesson1-there is/ there are  There are no bears in San Francisco.  
 San Francisco 舊金山 
Lesson6-過去式 I saw a really hairy guy. He looked like a bear.  
 hair 頭髮 hairy 多毛的 look like 看起來像是 
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞 This place is huge. Imagination Land.  
 huge 巨大的 imagination  想像 
 No way! Dream production.  
 way 路 production 生產 
 no way 不可能 
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞 Rainbow unicorn. She’s right there.  
 unicorn 獨角獸 
Lesson5-現在簡單式-動作動詞 I love you in “fairy dream adventure part 7 “OK! Bye!  I love you.  
We can’t focus on what’s going wrong.  
 focus 專注 
Lesson1- there is / there areThere is always a way to turn things around.
Lesson3-現在簡單式-be 動詞 It’s broccoli.  
 broccoli 花椰菜 
Lesson7-完成式 Congratulations San Francisco. You’ve ruined pizza. 
 congratulations 恭喜 ruin 摧毀 
Lesson3-現在簡單式 be 動詞 Who’s the birthday girl?  Brain freeze.  
 freeze 冷凍  
 Hang on.   
 hang on 撐著點  
倒裝Riley, here we come!here we come! 我們來了!
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Teresa Hung









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