1. 學會說 英文數字(年)
2. 學會說 英文序數(日)
3. 學會說 英文月份(月)
第一部分 year 年
三個數字 ( 第一個單獨唸,最後兩個一起唸 )
674 six seventy-four
811 eight eleven
233 two thirty-three
902 nine o two
四個數字 ( 兩組兩組唸 )
nineteen sixty-two
eighteen seventy-nine
fourteen fifty-four
twenty twenty-two
大的整數 ( 整個英文數字唸出來 )
1000 one thousand
700 seven hundred
3000 three thousand
四位數,最後兩位數是0 ( 前兩個數字一起唸+hundred )
fourteen hundred
nineteen hundred
十位數為零 ( 加上o )
1804 eighteen o four
1706 seventeen o six
1501 fifteen o one
2000~2009 ( 唸出英文數字 )
two thousand ~ two thousand and nine
2000 two thousand
2001 two thousand and one
2002 two thousand and two
2003 two thousand and three
2004 two thousand and four
2005 two thousand and five
2006 two thousand and six
2007 two thousand and seven
2008 two thousand and eight
2009 two thousand and nine
2010 two thousand and ten or twenty ten
in 年份
in 1998 in nineteen ninety-eight
in 609 in six o nine
in 2007 in two thousand and seven
第二部分 month月份
in March 三月
in August 八月
in November 十一月
第三部分 day日
( 有關於序數的教學可以點及這篇文章 數字系列:序數 )
1st first
2nd second
3rd third
4th fourth
5th fifth
6th sixth
7th seventh
8th eighth
9th ninth
10th tenth
11th eleventh
12th twelfth
13th thirteenth
14th fourteenth
15th fifteenth
16th sixteenth
17 seventeenth
18th eighteenth
19th nineteenth
20th twentieth
21st twenty-first
22nd twenty-second
23rd twenty-third
24th twenty-fourth
25th twenty-fifth
26th twenty-sixth
27th twenty-seventh
28th twenty-eighth
29th twenty-ninth
30th thirtieth
On day 日 序數
On the 5th (fifth)
On the 11th (eleventh)
On the 20th (twentieth)
On the 31st (thirty-first)
Date 日 月 年
英式表達法 | 美式表達法 |
日 月 年 | 月 日 年 |
dd/mm/yyyy | mm/dd/yyyy |
dd-mm-yyyy | mm-dd-yyyy |
The日(序數) of 月份 年 | 月份 日(序數) ,年 |
Europe歐洲、 USA美國、 Africa 非洲、the Philippines 菲律賓、Oceania 大洋洲、
Belize 貝里茲、South America 南美洲、Central America 中美洲 (Belize貝里茲除外)
英式表達法 | 美式表達法 |
日 月 年 | 月 日 年 |
第一類 | |
7/8/1999 | 8/7/1999 |
15/11/2020 | 11/15/2020 |
30/1/784 | 1/30/784 |
1/12/1542 | 12/1/1542 |
第二類 | |
7-8-1999 | 8-7-1999 |
15-11-2020 | 11-15-2020 |
30-1-784 | 1-30-784 |
1-12-1542 | 12-1-1542 |
第三類 | |
07/08/1999 | 08/07/1999 |
15/11/2020 | 11/15/2020 |
30/01/784 | 01/30/784 |
01/12/542 | 12/01/1542 |
第四類 | |
7 August 1999 | August, 7 1999 |
15 November 2020 | November, 15 2020 |
30 January 784 | January, 30 784 |
01 December 1542 | December, 1 1542 |
7th August 1999 | August, 7 1999 |
15th November 2020 | November, 15 2020 |
30th January 784 | January, 30 784 |
1st December 1542 | December, 1 1542 |
英式還可以加上 the 但一定要伴隨著 of
The 7th of August 1999
The 15th of November 2020
The 30th of January 784
The 1st of December 1542
【英式講法】 the fifteenth of November two thousand and eight
The 5th of June 1997
【美式講法】 June fifth nineteen seventy-seven
June 5th, 1997
【英式講法】 the fifteenth of November two thousand and eight
15 November 2008
15th November 2008
The 15th of November 2008
【美式講法】 November fifteenth two thousand and eight
November 15th 2008
【英式講法】 the thirtieth of April ten forty-two
30 April 1042
30th April 1042
The 30th of April 1042
【美式講法】 April thirtieth ten forty-two
April 30, 1042
【英式講法】 the twenty-first of July twenty twenty-two
21 July 2022
21st July 2022
The 21st of July 2022
【美式講法】 July twenty-first twenty twenty-two
July 21 2022
On date 日 月 年
(5 June 1977)
英式:The 5th of June 1977
美式:June 5, 1977
(15 November 2008)
英式:The 15th of November 2008
美式:November 15, 2008
(30 April 1042)
英式:The 30th of April 1042
美式:April 30, 1042
(21 July 2022)
英式:The 21st of July 2022
美式:July 21, 2022
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